Member Update - October 6
SSA office closed Monday
Both Regina and Saskatoon offices will be closed Monday, October 10 for Thanksgiving.
Bylaw Consultation
The Annual General Meeting will be held March 18, 2023. In preparation, the SSA Board annually hosts a bylaw consultation to consider potential amendments. Should your organization wish to submit any amendments, please provide a completed
Bylaw Amendment form, with rationale, and submit to by Oct. 29, 2022. There are no proposed amendments by the SSA Board of Directors at this time.
Once received all amendments will be circulated to voting members for their consideration. SSA will then host a meeting as part of our November Member Sessions. This process provides an opportunity for all members to participate in open debate prior to the final deadline. Our goal is to work collaboratively and come to consensus so that we are prepared for the Annual General Meeting. In order to meet the requirements of the Non-Profit Act 1995 final amendments must be received by Dec. 15, 2022 to be considered at the AGM.
Policy Updates - Minor wording changes have been approved for the
Section 11 - Grants Policy. Articles that have been amended are identified with (09 22).

SSA Vice President
The SSA Board of Directors is pleased to announce Andrew Kitchen has been appointed Vice President until the next AGM in March of 2023! Andrew has been on the Board since 2020 and has been the chair of the Nominations Committee since the beginning of 2021.
Andrew has been appointed as previous VP Kelly Rawlings has stepped down to pursue a coaching role with the SSA. The Board would like to thank Kelly for all of her work and dedication over her 8 years as a Director!

Nominations to the SSA Board
- A Message from the SSA Nominations Committee
We are writing on behalf of the Board of Directors of Saskatchewan Soccer Association (SSA) to request that the information below concerning nominations to the SSA Board be circulated widely within your organization.
The Organization
SSA is dedicated to developing the sport of soccer for all, through innovative policies and quality programs. Our primary objectives are to promote participation, enhance development, provide service at all levels, and to govern the sport of soccer in the province of Saskatchewan.
SSA is governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of a maximum of up to 12 Directors. SSA has a governance Board which delegates the day-to-day operations, including soccer programming, to SSA management and staff. The Board's primary functions are governing the SSA, approval of SSA Member Organizations, policy development, strategic planning, financial oversight, risk identification and management, selection and evaluation of the Executive Director.
An Open and Transparent Process
The SSA Board of Directors has developed a process to recruit Board candidates that is open and transparent. The process works as follows:
1) A
Nomination Form (Fillable PDF) is completed by the Nominator. (Please note: Download a version of the Fillable PDF document onto your own desktop, prior to filling out the form)
2) Nominees will complete a
Director-Candidate Information (Fillable PDF) form which confirms their acceptance of the nomination and details their background, education and experience to support their Nomination. (Please note: Download a version of the Fillable PDF document onto your own desktop, prior to filling out the form)
PLEASE NOTE: Both documents must be received by the Chair of the SSA Nominations Committee by the DEADLINE: December 15, 2022.
3) Candidates that complete all requirements by the deadline will be sent the Introduction to the SSA and other supporting documents which outlines information about the SSA, its mission, strategic priorities and the responsibilities and expectations of Directors of the SSA.
4) A meeting with Director-Candidates will be held by January 15, 2023.This meeting will be a chance for the Candidate to develop a clear understanding about the nature and extent of the commitment that is required of an SSA Director and to ask any questions they may have. Each candidate needs to confirm that their first responsibility in soccer is to the SSA Board of Directors, with all other forms of soccer participation being secondary. As per SSA and CSA bylaws: To ensure that there is no conflict of loyalty:
No director of the Association shall hold simultaneously a position of director of an SSA Regular or Associate Member;
No contracted service provider or employee of the SSA or its Member Organizations may serve as a Director of the Association.
5) Pending the completion of these meetings the Board considers all Nominations and based on specific skill competencies it requires recommends the slate of candidates for presentation to the Annual General Meeting.
A Diverse Board
The SSA is committed to having a Board comprised of talented and dedicated directors with a diverse mix of experience, expertise, skills, and backgrounds that reflects the diverse nature of the environment in which SSA operates. An inclusive and equitable Board welcomes people from all walks of life, of all abilities, professional expertise, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, indigenous status, age, and home address.
After having studied the composition of the current Board, our Nominations Committee has determined the Board is both diverse and skilled, but as a priority seeks to recruit individuals with a legal background, either as a sitting Board Member or in an advisory capacity, and individuals with strong ties to the business/corporate community.
Other areas of focus include: Non-profit governance
Communications, Public relations, Marketing
Connections to new networks or the corporate and business community
Business, Accounting, Policy Development
Strategic Planning
All individuals with a desire and expertise to make a contribution to the growth of the Association are welcome. The primary criterion is a genuine interest and commitment to contributing to the governance of the game for the betterment of the Association on a provincial level. We invite candidates who will contribute to put their name forward.
Competitions Corner
Women's and Men's Western Masters Regional Championships - September 23-25, 2022
Saskatchewan Soccer Association congratulates YXE FC Men’s Masters for taking gold at the Western Masters Regional Championships in Edmonton! Thank you to FCR SK Classics Women’s Masters team for representing our province in Edmonton. You played your hearts out!
Canada Soccer National Championships - October 5 - 10, 2022
Five teams from Saskatchewan are at the 2022 Canada Soccer National Championships this week.

FCR Bluestars U15 Girls and Saskatoon Alliance Weber U15 Boys are in Charlottetown, PEI representing Saskatchewan in the U15 tournament.

Saskatoon Alliance U17 Girls and FCR Bluestars U17 Boys are taking the field in Surrey, BC on behalf of our province.

SK Classicos Senior Men are vying for the Challenge Trophy in Vaughan, ON.
Best of luck to all the teams!!
SK Referees at Canada Soccer’s Toyota National Championships
Five SK referees are participating in the prestigious Toyota National Championships.
Theodor Diederichsen, Mingyang Chen and Vincent Morelli are participating in the U17 Toyota National Championships in Surrey, BC.
Ian Adams and Matthias Diederichsen are participating in the Challenge / Jubilee Trophy in Vaughn, ON.
We are proud of your efforts and contributions and wish you a successful competition with great performances!
You can follow the SK referees through the appointments posted
Save the Date: November SSA Leadership Sessions
We invite you to mark November 5-6, 2022 in your calendars as the in-person Fall sessions to be hosted in Saskatoon. Further details and links to register will be provided in the coming weeks.
Reminder from the Registrar
2022-23 Indoor Season Registrar Reports
Please mark your calendars for the 2022-23 Indoor Season registration fee deadlines.
First submission is due November 7
Second submission is due December 1
Got new players transferring from other Saskatchewan teams? Don’t forget to check with their previous clubs to make sure they are in good standing.
September 30 has come and gone. Did you get your final registrar reports submitted? Late fees can apply to any registrations not reported and submitted on time. If your organization hasn’t done so, please get your Registrar Reports and fees into our office as soon as possible.
Coaching Education
Upcoming C-Licence Workshops
The C Licence workshop is the entry-level course for Canada Soccer's Advanced Coach Education Program. The course is split into two parts, online theory, and in-person practical training. Coaches must first complete the online theory before they can attend the in-person practical.
Registration is now open for the following dates.
C-Licence Practical On-Field Workshop
Weyburn - November 4 and 5, 2022
*Registration is now open and available through your RAMP registration portal.
Visit Everyone’s Game Resource Centre in our bi-weekly communication to find informational and inspirational articles, member interviews, and developmental opportunities.?
Educational Resource:
SSA Calendar of Events & Deadlines
Recordings of past webinars and COVID-19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel.